To be honest, I've been thinking about opening my own blog for some time, but I never had a diary, never felt the need to have one. People who know me say that basically I don't need one, since I have a memory of an elephant. I never felt the need to write something down for the future - I am so amazed when Oprah pulls out her diary every time she needs to refresh her memories or underline some important event in her life. So I was asking myself:"What's the point in blogging any way if I don't like to write a diary?"
On the other hand, there is large community of creative people on the web, exchanging ideas and making friends. I guess I can do that, I'm creative, I'm friendly , I live in Rome, Italy ... that will give me something to write about.
Later on I'll decide about Italian version of this blog, for time being I'll write in English. I use to speak English very well, but ever since I moved to Italy I realize that I'm losing it ... Let's hope that this blog will help me stay away from Maccheronic English. Feel free to correct mistakes I've made.
napisala roman_tales, 7:40 AM ¤ Permalink ¤


  • 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonimno

    Pa ti se ništa ne hvališ blogom! Baš dobro da si ga pokrenula :)

  • 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonimno

    Dobrodosla u blog zajednicu :) Ne brini, ovo nije kao dnevik, vec hvalisanje svojim radom :) Lijepo sto pises na engleskom, vise ce ljudi razumjeti, a na italijanskom - ok, vjezbacu i ja da ne zaboravim taj jezik :) Moram priznati da mi je malo naporno sto toliko blogova moram citati na engleskom, ali sta da se radi ....

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