I was very happy to see a comment made by one Croatian gentleman who loves to stitch. On his blog I left him an advice he was looking for and than he visited my blog and remained a bit disappointed, thinking that mine is another exclusively knitting blog. Well, it is not - I also stitch and crochet. I have at least 10 pieces that need to be framed, but just to show him that I stitch also, here are my 2 little works. The stitch I used is called "gobelin" stitch or Dutch / Holland stitch. I do also cross-stitch but prefer Dutch stitch.
The pattern for "geese" was published in one of "Burda" magazines and the "see view" was in "Ricamare", Italian journal for stitching. Original pattern for "geese" called for Anchor threads but I've changed it to Unitas threads (Ljubica), with success I believe. The "See view" was made with DMC threads.
Both works were framed in Croatia, I thought that they would have done the better work than here (ok, I admit it, cheaper, too) considering the tradition for this type of craft in Croatia, but I thought wrong. After this experience I've decided to do my own framing. My husband promised to help and already bought everything he needs to cut the frames.
We'll see how it goes with this 4 little works (4 seasons):
Bok! Ostavila si komentar na mom blogu kako si zivjela u R'dam-u. I ja sam zivjela tamo, u Crooswijk, punih 10 godina. Sada sam u Utrecht-u, puno manji grad, ali s puno vishe dushe. Radovi su ti lijepi, pogotovo su mi dzemperi interesantni, jer i sama pletem. Vez mi je oduvijek bio lijep hobi, ali nemam vremena za sve - kupila sam mashinu za shivenje ljetos s namjerom da naucim shivati. Proshlo je 3 mjeseca od tad. :)